“I thought we were playing go fish?”-Joshua Morrison, the new poker world champion. Josh recently won the world poker championship despite having no idea how to actually play. His story begins like thisOne night Josh got drunk one night and decided he’d start playing some cards at the bar with his friends. No one explained the rules to josh but he used the brilliant strategy of over-confidence.” They just kept giving me cards and I kept winning” said Josh. Josh is so confident that he just lays his cards out on the table for everyone to see, like he doesn’t even try to hide them. the poker community is outraged at his victory, one man claims “they should ban him, he’s clearly way too advanced for us”. The poker board is currently reviewing a report that Joshua may have used drugs too boost his performance in last weeks tournament, but as it stands right now, josh is still king of the sport
Man wins international poker tournament, but has no idea how to play