It is reportedly stated that the New York cheapskate makes a living off selling quarters. How does he do this you may ask? Well it's actually pretty simple and actually very illegal so please do not do this. What he does is he will go to the bank and get like 500 million quarters taken out from his money then he'll take them back to his house then put all the
quarters in a pot and boil them on the stove into a fine liquid and put them into these molds and sell them on his website. He has made around 60 million of his business. One thing I will never do is buy from this website. The cops are currently after him and plan on shutting him down then sentencing him up to 514 years in the cage. Some of the stuff he puts out on his websites is fake chains, custom chains, custom coins, custom fake watches, and basically any sort of random jewelry. With the money that he has earned from his illegal business he has bought around 300 flat screen TVs for some reason he has developed this weird obsession for buying flat screen TVs. We have yet to discover whether his obsession for buying TVs is another horrible business.